To whom we can help
Check out our competition-beating commissions
Our CPA commissions depend on your traders’ country of residence and the initial deposit. Check out how much you would get:
Your trader’s country of residence
You get up to
For each qualified trader
Dive into your data and get invaluable insights
Powerful reporting and analytics tools to help you better understand your traders and inform your marketing strategy.
Marketing resources that help you reach & engage your audience
Digital marketing material in multiple languages combined with a marketing platform gives you all you need to reach and engage your audience and maximise your CPA earnings.
Keeping your trades safe and secure
What makes us the first choice of affiliates around the world?
Choice of platforms for every trader
The simple way to trade the markets with ActivTrader and maximise investing potential.
MetaTrader 4 the simple way to trade the markets with ActivTrader and maximise investing potential.
MetaTrader 5 the simple way to trade the markets with ActivTrader and maximise investing potential.
It takes minutes to get up and running
Join our community of affiliates and start earning today
United Kingdom
The Loom 2.5, Gower's Walk, London, E1 8PY
Regulated by FCA
209 & 210 Church Street Sandyport, 1 P.O. Box SP 64388 Nassau, Bahamas
Regulated by SCB
Via Borgonuovo 14/16 20121 Milano, Italia
Regulated by CMVM & registered with CONSOB
Bul. Bulgaria 69 1404 Sofia, Bulgaria
Rua Duque de Palmela, n. 37, 1A - 1250-097 Lisboa
Regulated by CMVM
Av. Mauro Ramos, 1512, Ático 1 e 2 Centro Florianópolis - SC Brasil 88020-302
Regulated by Bacen